Most of us who gain excess weight are likely to gain it for one simple reason; overeating junk food. As hard as it is to lose the weight it is extremely easy to gain it this way. So what does this mean for you if you are trying to lose weight? You have to cut back on the overeating and the amount of junk food you take in.

The reality is the best way to lose the weight and be healthy is to completely stop eating junk food altogether but unfortunately it can be hard to cut out the junk food completely as processed and pre-made food is everywhere and we associate this kind of food in our life when out in social functions or even at night when we are watching our favourite program.

So if you are inclined to reach for the junk food and haven't found a way to stop over-eating it then you may want to try the 'juice or soup before the junk food' trick.

Before you sit down to eat whatever fried, processed, or just plain sugary food you are about to eat have a glass, or two, of juice and wait a few minutes before eating, or eat a bowl, or two, of soup before eating it.

The juice or soup will start to make you feel full and the chances are that you will not only not overeat but you may not eat the junk at all!

The hard part is getting past the thought of not wanting to have the juice or soup for fear it may take away the desire for the junk food. It's an irrational fear but it is there nonetheless.

Once you start doing it all the time and make a habit of it, the fear will be removed, and the thought of being healthy to your body will take its place.

The other hard part is actually wanting to make the juice or soup, as it takes some effort, instead of just sitting down and eating your junk food. But this excuse can be avoided by making it ahead of time. Have bottles of juice in the fridge or make a huge pot of soup on the weekend and it will be available to you throughout the entire week.

This will help you eat less of the bad food and eat more of the low calorie food if you do it consistently. But there is one warning!

Do not eat cream of whatever soup with tons of cheese on top and maybe some other 'dressing' on the side. Instead opt in for vegetable soup or plain old tomato soup as this is going to be the least amount of calories for the biggest amount of feeling full power.

Healthy nutrition can be hard when you are used to eating unhealthy junk food, but with tricks like drinking juice or eating soup before junk food you can help yourself eat better and lose weight.

Kari is the owner of Alternative Health Ideas.

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When you have food allergies you must be extremely careful with what you eat. There are certain foods for allergies that have been created to make eating a little easier for those that have multiple food allergies. The fact the food for allergies exists is just half the battle. You still have to know where to find these different foods for allergies.

First most food for allergies is going to have at least one ingredient if not a few missing. The most common food allergies are dairy, peanut, tree nut, wheat, shellfish, and seafood. Those who have multiple allergies can actually suffer from more than one food allergy in this list. This means that it is extremely difficult for a person to go to a restaurant or even find food in the store depending on the food allergy or allergies. For those that need special food for allergies it is often easier to go to the supermarket in order to find the appropriate foods. At the supermarket or on online specialty shops you can be guaranteed there is nothing in the food for your allergies to flare up.

In other words when you go to the supermarket you are going to have to look for food for allergies. This means that you must read the entire package of ingredients. For an example let's use someone that is allergic to wheat. Many of the spaghetti or noodles, desserts, and even rice are going to be made with wheat. For this person they will have to look on the shelf for a food for allergies. This means that there may be special packaging that advertises no wheat products or they will have to stand there and read the package for the word wheat. This can get pretty tiring and it is time consuming. That is why there are a few specialty stores online as well as natural food stores that tend to carry food for allergies.

One place you can find snack foods for allergies is called Divvies. Divvies offers a great range of snack food items that are completely without the common ingredients, such as wheat, nuts, dairy, and egg. Going back to our example up above you will also find that many of the products have an egg base. This can be rather difficult for someone who is allergic to even cooked eggs. The best method for finding food for allergies is still going to be reading the packages.

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Most of us who gain excess weight are likely to gain it for one simple reason; overeating junk food. As hard as it is to lose the weight it is extremely easy to gain it this way. So what does this mean for you if you are trying to lose weight? You have to cut back on the overeating and the amount of junk food you take in.

The reality is the best way to lose the weight and be healthy is to completely stop eating junk food altogether but unfortunately it can be hard to cut out the junk food completely as processed and pre-made food is everywhere and we associate this kind of food in our life when out in social functions or even at night when we are watching our favourite program.

So if you are inclined to reach for the junk food and haven't found a way to stop over-eating it then you may want to try the 'juice or soup before the junk food' trick.

Before you sit down to eat whatever fried, processed, or just plain sugary food you are about to eat have a glass, or two, of juice and wait a few minutes before eating, or eat a bowl, or two, of soup before eating it.

The juice or soup will start to make you feel full and the chances are that you will not only not overeat but you may not eat the junk at all!

The hard part is getting past the thought of not wanting to have the juice or soup for fear it may take away the desire for the junk food. It's an irrational fear but it is there nonetheless.

Once you start doing it all the time and make a habit of it, the fear will be removed, and the thought of being healthy to your body will take its place.

The other hard part is actually wanting to make the juice or soup, as it takes some effort, instead of just sitting down and eating your junk food. But this excuse can be avoided by making it ahead of time. Have bottles of juice in the fridge or make a huge pot of soup on the weekend and it will be available to you throughout the entire week.

This will help you eat less of the bad food and eat more of the low calorie food if you do it consistently. But there is one warning!

Do not eat cream of whatever soup with tons of cheese on top and maybe some other 'dressing' on the side. Instead opt in for vegetable soup or plain old tomato soup as this is going to be the least amount of calories for the biggest amount of feeling full power.

Healthy nutrition can be hard when you are used to eating unhealthy junk food, but with tricks like drinking juice or eating soup before junk food you can help yourself eat better and lose weight.

Kari is the owner of Alternative Health Ideas.

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Babies are wonderful to have and they are often very sensitive as their systems have not yet developed to the full protection. In fact you will find a baby's immune system is not quite as developed as an older child or even an adult. This means that your baby is more susceptible to outside stimuli as well as foods that are ingested. You will most likely find with babies that their sensitive skin gets acne, rashes, and other issues with the littlest change in their lives. You will also find that during a growing stage they can be hypersensitive to many things. Since babies tend to be very sensitive you will find they can also have many different food allergies. When discussing babies and food allergies you will find that some of the food allergies will dissipate after the baby becomes a toddler or maybe once they reach adulthood.

The thing about babies and food allergies is the immune system that was mentioned up above. The immune system is the cause of the food allergies. In other words you will find that the immune system decides that the property of the food such as the antibodies or proteins in the food are foreign and a threat. The immune system will then attack this foreign matter by releasing chemicals into the body, which then accounts for the rashes, hives, breathing issues, dizziness, and other food allergies symptoms that you may experience. Typically with babies and food allergies you will now within a few minutes if they are allergic to a certain food. The baby will generally show a rash or begin to have breathing problems. In some cases they will begin to experience stomach or abdominal pain.

If you suspect that you baby has a food allergy you will need to seek a physicians immediate attention. You will definitely want to have the problem diagnosed. If your baby develops a rash almost immediately after you introduce a new food you should go directly to your doctor. Your baby may not develop any other symptoms of food allergies, but it is still important that you see a doctor as it can take a few hours for all of the symptoms to develop. With babies and food allergies it is hard to determine what will remain with them throughout their lives. This means that you may wish to have your child tested as they get older for food allergies.

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Have you experienced a food allergy? How do you know if you even have it? In most cases a person will realize they have it based on a skin reaction as a result of the food allergies they may have. It is first important to understand how food allergies appear before you can understand the skin reaction as a result of food allergies. You see food allergies are dependent on the immune system. When the immune system determines there are proteins or antibodies that are foreign in your system it will attack these properties. This attack gives rise to the reactions or symptoms you will experience as a result of the food you ate and the immune system's attack. Generally the first reaction a person has with it is a skin reaction.

The skin reaction will appear in a few different forms depending on the severity of the allergy. First most of the individuals will have a skin reaction as a result of food allergies termed hives. The skin will begin to itch in a localized place. This itch will continue to be a minor irritant, but as the allergic reaction increases the skin will soon break out in hives. Hives are categorized as raised red bumps or welts. They are often quick to spread in that area, as well as throughout the rest of the body as the allergic reaction continues to increase. The hives are typically small in appearance and very close together. However, a skin reaction as a result of food allergies that yields in hives can have larger bumps. It typically depends on the person.

Something to keep in mind with the skin reaction as a result of food allergies is that irritating the area or becoming stressed over the issue can cause the skin reaction to be more pronounced. In other words if you become stressed you can actually psychologically induce hives. It is a reaction of too much chemical in your body as a result of stress. This means that for those with a food allergy they can cause the hives to become worse than they would normally be. Of course if you continually scratch at the spot you will of course worsen the symptoms as well. To get rid of the hives your best method is going to be hydrocortisone. Of course if you have more than just the skin reaction you should seek immediate medical attention.

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You will find that food allergies will give rise to many symptoms and these symptoms will vary depending on the person. One of the most common food allergies symptoms is the itching skin humans tend to feel. Generally the itching skin humans feel with food allergies is related to hives. In this article we are going to look at what a food allergy can do to your body and then describe in more detail the itching skin humans have related to the food allergies.

Food allergies occur because the immune system is at battle with a property of the food you ate. Most often it is related to a protein that is contained in the food. This is why nuts, peanuts, eggs, dairy, shellfish, seafood, and wheat tend to be the most common allergens. You will notice that especially peanuts, nuts, and eggs have a high quantity of protein. The immune system doesn't recognize this property and therefore it begins to fight against the protein. The idea is that the protein cannot be broken down through regular means, so the immune system releases various chemicals to help the process. These chemicals in turn cause the symptoms most of us see with food allergies including itching skin or the hives.

Hives are red bumps or welts that form on the top layer of skin. Usually they will appear in a small area first, but they can then spread. You will find that the hives can appear on the face, arms, neck, or all over the body. The nature of hives is to be itchy. This means that food allergies cause itching skin in humans. Often the skin may appear itchy before the actual hives or reddened patches of skin will appear. For the treatment of food allergies itching skin on humans you can purchase products such as hydrocortisone. Hydrocortisone is used for a great many allergies that cause skin issues because the properties take away the itch and help to reduce the redness in a quicker manner. Just using a lotion can actually increase the problem.

There are of course more symptoms related to food allergies and it is important to deal with each one as it comes up. While hives are a rather mild reaction if anything more serious occurs, especially breathing problems it is recommended that you seek medical attention immediately for the issue. Food allergies can be very serious for some individuals.

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Crema Catalana might well be Barcelona's most famous contribution to the world's menus, but there is much more variety to the food you're likely to find when visiting this city trapped between the mar i muntanya - the sea and the mountains.

Catalan cuisine, which is known to have been flourishing as far back as the thirteenth century, is a beguiling melange of the best ingredients that the Mediterranean and the grazing slopes of the mountains can offer. This means that it is quite common to come across combinations such as lobster and chicken - often served in a hazelnut sauce; meatballs and cuttlefish; chicken and crayfish; and the simply scintillating rabbit and rum. The Barcelona locals like their sauces too - especially allioli (garlic and olive oil), sofregit (tomatoes, garlic and onions) and samfaina (chilli pepper and aubergines).

In Spring, you'll find wonderfully tasty wild asparagus is plentiful, and lots of calçots (large spring onions); in the autumn there's nothing better than freshly picked rovellons (mushrooms) and in winter, you'll enjoy a hearty escudella d'olla - one of the best stews you could wish to find anywhere.

The very fact that Barcelona is a port has meant that visitors here can always guarantee that they will be able to find superb fresh fish but it has had the added bonus that it has meant that people from all over the world have been washed ashore here. For this reason, the authentic international restaurants in the city are on a par with any in Europe. As you wander round the city, you'll find places to eat representing just about all the world's continents - but, much more importantly - you'll find that these restaurants, in the vast majority of cases, such good quality food. Barcelona's reputation as a gastronomic delight is well deserved.

There are, as would be expected, many famous restaurants in the city - Botafumeiro in Gran de Gracia for its fish, the Patagonia Beef and Wine Restaurant on Gran Vía Cortes Catalanes for its top quality Argentinian beef and El Cangejo Loco on Moll de Gregal for its style and views - and its opportunity to 'celebrity spot'. For me, though, one of the pleasures of this wonderful city is wandering around back streets an finding unpretentious little places that serve up home-made Catalan cuisine that you can dream about over the winter months until you're able to visit again.

And just as Barcelona is a city of fine restaurants, it is also a place simply chock full of wonderful bars. Spain, needless to say, is a country where the bar is an integral part of social life and Barcelona is no different in that respect. Whether you are popping in for your early morning coffee (and perhaps something a little stronger with it), sitting for an afternoon drink in the shade, or preparing for a night on the town, then there will be countless bars to cater for you. Many, especially from Thursday nights onward, don't get into their stride until after midnight but just head to the Gothic Quarter, Gràcia, Barceloneta, Las Ramblas or just about anywhere else in this exhilarating city and you'll find great bars. My favourites happen to be the London Bar and Els Quatre Gats - bars in which the very essence of modernism seems to fill the air; L,Ascensor - where you'll find the finest cocktails in the world; and Bosc de les Fades, which looks as if it was designed by Tim Burton.

Like everything else in this captivating, vibrant city - when it comes to food and drink in Barcelona, you'll be spoiled for choice.

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Lovely soups and cooking tips!

Most of the children did not like to drink plain water. Soup is the solution for it. When the water is tasty, then they will not have problem to drink it. And when they want no vegetables in the meals, soup is also a good solution.

You may cook soups with all the vegetables, meats, or sometimes also with fruits. They are all delicious! It helps our tummy to do their job easily. Food digestions!

Why not, try to cook some soups and let your children and family have it2 hours before meal? Begins with what ingredients you have in hand?

For a start, you may follow a simple step by step soup recipe. Thereafter, you should be able to create your own soup recipes, by gathering all your own cooking tips. Remember, practise make perfect!

Simple soup!

Chicken Soup

Ingredients A

1 chicken

2 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon flour


a. Place a chicken in a pot of water.

b. Boil it with great care, skimming constantly.

c. When tender, take out the chicken and remove all the bones.

d. Put the butter into a frying-pan and dredge the chicken meat well with flour.

e. Lay the chicken meat in the hot pan, fry a nice brown, and keep it hot and dry.

Ingredients B

500 ml chicken water

2 tablespoons curry powder

1 tablespoon Flour

2 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon cayenne


a. In a bowl combine all ingredients, and stir into the chicken water until smooth.

b. Mix it with the rest of the broth in the pot.

c. When well mixed, simmer 5 minutes.

d. Add browned chicken and serve with rice.

Please enjoy!

Food & Drink Paradise e-zine is a wonderful gateway to meet all food lovers over the world. Extraordinary recipes and cooking tips will be given to all my subscribers.

Over this couples of years, I have found many simple, interesting, delicious, excellent recipes, and cooking tips. I love to share everything I know about food and drinks with you.

Please feel free to explore my work at

Thank you very much, and I love to see you soon again.

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UK restaurants offer a wide diversity of cuisine from all over the world but why not try some local dishes during your villa holiday. Traditional British food usually involves good plain cooking with fresh local ingredients and is often found in pubs or in restaurants which offer lighter versions of old favourites. Roast beef served with Yorkshire pudding or local specialties such as Lincolnshire or Cumberland pork sausages can be found on most menus. In the North Black Pudding made with offal is popular and lamb and chicken dishes feature on many menus along with hearty meat pies and homemade soups. Meals are usually served with chips, mash, boiled or roast potatoes and a good selection of vegetables. Whitbyon the east coast is famous for its crabs and the southeast coast is renowned for its mussels, whelks, cockles and jellied eels. In Britain you are never far from a fish and chip shop selling battered cod or haddock with chips sprinkled with salt and vinegar. Traditional puddings include fruit crumbles, apple pie or sponge pudding usually served with custard. Afternoon tea is still popular and you will find a good selection of cakes, scones, jam and cream and sandwiches on a teashop menu. Cheese is a great regional specialty; look out for different varieties at delicatessens and farmers markets.

There are some excellent award winning white English wines such as those produced by Three Choirs in Gloucestershire and Wickham in Hampshire.While enjoying your British Self Catering holiday you'll find a good selection of real ales is served in many pubs; look out for local micro-breweries. Mild such as Banks', Holdens and Highgate is most often found in the Midlands. Pale ales are more popular and Timothy Taylor, Adnams, Shepherd Neame and Marston's have good examples. Cider is still a favourite particularly in the southwest of England like Thatcher's in Somerset.

In Scotland look out for traditional foods such as haggis (spiced sheep's innards and seasoning) usually served with tatties (potatoes) and neeps (mashed turnip). Venison and grouse dishes are popular as are stovies, a mix of potatoes, onion and beef cooked in dripping. Scotch broth is made from mutton or beef stock, pearl barley, carrots and leeks while Cock-a-leekie soup is made from chicken, rice, leeks and prunes cooked in chicken stock. Smoked fish dishes such as kippers, salmon and Arbroath smokies (smoked haddock) can often be found. Finally, look out for a delicious chowder like dish called Cullen skink made from smoked haddock, mashed potato and milk. Scotland is also famous for its numerous whisky distilleries and a few beers too, like Deuchars and Caledonian.

Traditional dishes in Wales include Welsh lamb hot pot and cawl (meat stew with potatoes and vegetables). Fish is popular and other dishes such as Welsh rarebit (melted cheese on toast) and laver bread made from oatmeal and seaweed. There are plenty of local cheeses to sample such as Caerphilly and Pencarreg. Try Bara brith, a type of tea loaf and Welsh cakes, flat scones cooked on a griddle. Look out for eating establishments belonging to the Taste of Wales (Blas y Cymru) usually a sign of good food and finally some beers to try, Brains or Felinfoel.

In Northern Ireland try local cheeses, oysters and Guinness, Irish stew and drisheen (Black pudding). Look out for soda bread, Barm brak (tea loaf) and potato bread and finish the evening with an Old Bushmills whiskey.

If visiting the Channel Islands, self catering in Guernsey and self catering in Jersey, then you will find plenty of fresh fish, local dairy products and fresh seasonal produce on the menu. Look out for delicious home grown produce known as hedge veg sold by the roadside throughout the islands. Enjoy!

If you enjoyed this article please visit where you will find my animated library containing many articles on Culture, Food and Drink, Outdoor Pursuits, Coast, Festivals and Attractions. Plus a huge range of Villa and self catering holiday rentals.

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Did you know that when you eat a lot of the same food items you could develop a food allergy? More so if you are prone to food allergies in the first place, you can develop it to new ones that have been introduced to your diet. To prevent new food allergies from occurring or to just prevent any more it is important that you try a allergies rotation diet. For those who are chronic sufferers of such allergies they are usually put on a rotation diet that will help them stay away from such allergies, but make it possible to eat. You will find with multiple food allergies the rotation diet allows you to have a system that is easy to stick with. You will be able to avoid potentially dangerous situations if you stick with the recommended rotation diet.

This diet has a person with multiple food allergies eat on an every four day basis. In other words on Monday you had chicken, rice, and milk. These eatables are okay as you have been tested and found clean for allergies related to these foods. However for the next four days you are not allowed to have any chicken, milk, or rice in a meal. Even if you just supplement one item from the menu you are still risking a food allergy to some type. Most individuals who develop such allergies are told to just eliminate those from their diet. What they should be told is that the rotation diet is the best way to start eating properly. For someone prone to food allergies they can develop more problems to food and experience a lot more pain. In fact what could happen is the individual after four years of eliminating certain eatables from their diet and only eating what is left can have a new allergy or allergies, which means they are back to finding something else they can eat.

You will also find in the same vain that if you stop eating a particular item on a regular basis you may be able to go back to eating that after a considerable time. When you rotate your diet you are masking the antibodies your body has a problem with. This means that you have less chance of being affected by it. For those that have a mild or borderline allergy it can be important to start on this type of diet.

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Many of us are aware that food allergies exist, but when we think of them we consider them to be almost rare because there does not seem to be a large number of the population afflicted with it. Therefore it may be considered a rare food allergy by many standards. However you will find that there are some food allergies that are rarer than others. This is usually determined by the number of cases that have been reported by doctors. Three of the most rare food allergies are chamomile tea, fruit, and gluten. You will find that some of the more common of it are eggs, dairy, wheat, shellfish, seafood, tree nuts, and peanuts. In fact many places have begun to advertise their menus regarding these specific food allergies because they are becoming more and more common, but for those who suffer from gluten, fruit, or chamomile tea allergies you will find that they are not as well known and not considered to be as important in restaurants.

First of all there are three cases involving chamomile tea in the current studies I have found online. The allergen is actually caused by the plant that the chamomile tea is made from so it is not only a food allergy, but it is also a plant allergy as well. In the case of this rare food allergy you will find that any contact with the herb or the actual tea will cause the affected person to have hives, breathing issues, and other symptoms related to food allergies such as runny noses, and abdominal pain. It is very important that if you suspect your child or anyone suffers from the rare food allergies to make sure they seek help for the issue right away. It is not enough to just avoid the allergen that causes the problem, in some cases the food allergies can be so severe that a person needs to have epinephrine administered immediately to avoid death. You will also find that rare food allergies can be a combination of common and the more rare food allergies that are known.

In other words some individuals present the rarest of food allergies in having issues with several of the common food allergies combined. This means that for some eating wheat, corn, rice, diary, fruit, eggs, and nuts can be rolled into one case of food allergy, and therefore they have to limit practically everything they eat.

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When we think about Christmas we may each have different ideas about what the festive period entails. For some, this is a period that still has religion at the very heart of it. For others, however, times have changed and it means something altogether different.

There's no doubt that there is a significant commercial element to Christmas. You can't miss this aspect, particularly when you visit shops and online stores in November and December. There are Christmas adverts and potential gifts everywhere.

So is there such a thing as a shared experience of this time of year? Given that we may all have different traditions and expectations, it can sometimes seem as though there is much less in common than their once was. Many of us may look forward to time off work and the chance to relax. We may like the thought of spending time with family members.

But is this where the shared experience ends? When you think about the various elements of your own Christmas celebrations you may well think about presents, family and a few other aspects, such as mince pies, roast turkey, Christmas pudding and cake. This is very revealing. We soon see that food tends to have a big impact on our thoughts.

We associate particular foods with this time of year. When we think back, we can often remember certain tastes and flavours. This could be where we will find our shared thoughts and experiences. It's the food and drink that may define this period for some.

With this thought in mind, it also makes sense to consider food and drink as potential gifts for others. Since we know that they have such a great impact in terms of thoughts and memories, we can be assured that they will also make fantastic gifts. We all love to receive such treats at any time of year.

So consider making a delicious cake for friends and family this year. If that seems like it would be too difficult, then why not buy a hamper? There are plenty of specialists selling them online and you can quickly compare prices to identify the very best deals.

The gift of food is something that is certain to be successful.

If you're interested in food, then read more about food hampers and other options, as discussed by Simon Barnett. This article may be used by any website publisher, though this resource box must always be included in full.

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Ask a native Melbournian what makes his hometown unique among all the major cities of Australia and he's likely to point to food. People in Melbourne are proud of their food - its quality, diversity and, yes, even its affordability. There seems to be an endless array of different cuisine available in the thousands of restaurants and cafes that line Melbourne, much to the amazement of foreign visitors.

There is a saying in Melbourne that finding a bad meal is harder than finding a great meal. Certainly, great food has become a way of life in the city, combined, of course, with quality drinks and ambience. Oftentimes, one gets the feeling that excellent cuisine has become so commonplace that it is ambience that provides the critical difference between one fine restaurant and another.

It's easy to find the very best dining places in Melbourne because they are usually located in the city's most popular streets and districts, such as the following:

Brunswick Street

If it's dining urban style that you crave, then Brunswick Street in the northern part of the city is the place to visit. It has a distinct inner city feel and is a favorite weekend haunt of foreign travelers who wish to enjoy a long, languid brunch. Mario's and The Fitz are the most popular cafes in the areas and both serve huge, hearty "brunches" 24 hours a day. Two other cafes, Umago and Retro Café, are giving them a run for their money with their growing popularity. Aside from its fabulous cafes, Brunswick Street is also known as a haven of Melbourne's art and alternative community. A cacophony of street performers can usually be heard, including joke tellers, fire twirlers and other entertainment-minded locals.

Lygon Street

This is the Italian side of town, where the original Italian immigrants first made their home and where they adapted innately Italian customs and traditions that live on to this day through their food, fashion, festivals and keen sense of humor. Restaurants like Tiamo and Brunetti serve authentic Italian cuisine that remind many of the way things are done back home. Check out Santino's Terrace in the vicinity, and if you're a pizza aficiando, you can't go past Il Gamberos - perhaps the best pizza in Australia!

Victoria Street

From Italy, foreign guests will get a taste of Vietnam when they head east to Victoria Street. Restaurants like Tho Tho's, Thy Thy I and The Huong specialize not only in Vietnamese food but in replicating Vietnam's unique cultural ambience and flavor.

Central Business District

The exquisite array of fine dining options available in the city's business district such as Tuscan Grill, Marchetti's Latin and Grossi Florentino often amazes foreign executives in Melbourne. Cocktail bars such as Gin Palace, Hairy Canary and Melbourne Supper Club have also been widely celebrated for their dining and drinking.


Although known mainly as a commercial hub, Southbank has gained a growing reputation for its food and entertainment offerings, especially at the Crown Entertainment Center.

Chapel Street

While Chapel Street is synonymous with fashion and trendy designer clothes, it also has its share of great eateries such as Kush, Caffe Sienna and Caffe e Cucina.

While you're visting Melbourne, why not choose one of its many luxurious places to stay. Whether you're looking for a classy Melbourne Hotel or a stylish Melbourne Apartment, you can find free reviews of the very best on Simply Lush -

Simply Lush is the brain child of James Lush. Coming from a media background in the UK (both James and his wife were popular UK TV/Radio personalities), the Lush family emigrated to beautiful Western Australia and James is now a presenter on ABC Radio Perth, as well as running Simply Lush.

The Simply Lush site is a free resource for anyone searching for information and reviews on luxury accommodation and great holiday spots all across Australia.

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Singapore is a lovely country in South East Asia. It is located just south of Malaysia, with a total population of close to 5 millions. It is popularly known as a shopping and food heaven, and a safe country. Tourists have no problem hanging out at night because the security is very tight in Singapore.

If you are a food lover, you will definitely love Singapore. This is because Singapore is a multi-culture country, with many different religions existing hormonally together. In Singapore, you will find many different types of food from all religions. In this article, let me share with you 7 food and drinks that you must try when you visit Singapore:

1. Laksa. Laksa is originally a Malaysia dish. But as Singapore has its own roots in the Peranakan community, you will see food stores selling Laksa here. This dish consists of rice noodles cooked in spicy coconut gravy, with bean curd, prawn and chicken meat.

2. Chicken Rice. Chicken rice is the most popular dish in Singapore. In Singapore, you can easily find stalls selling this delicious dish. You can choose a serving of steamed, bbq or roasted chicken with rice cooked in garlic and chicken stock.

3. Chili Crab. When you visit Singapore, you must dine at Jumbo Seafood. They offer crabs that are cooked with spicy chili and egg gravy. If you are a seafood lover, this is something that you cannot afford to miss.

4. Singapore Sling. Singapore Sling is a cocktail that is originally invented for the Long Bar in Raffles Hotel. The recipe of Singapore Sling contains gin, cherry brandy and Benedictine. You can drink Singapore Slings at most of the bars in Singapore and on flights of Singapore Airlines.

5. Indian Rojak. Rojak means a mix of several ingredients. In Singapore, you can find Rojak prepared by Chinese and Indians. A dish of Rojak consists of bean curds, vegetables, fried dough and seafood.

6. Satay. Satay is simply Singapore version of meat on skewers. You can get different kinds of meat: chicken, beef and lamb. In Singapore, Satays are served with peanut sauce which makes it extremely delicious.

7. Ice Kacang. Ice Kacang is a dessert that is well-love by many Singaporeans. A bowl of Ice Kacang consists of a base of jelly, corn, red beans, attap seeds and ice is grated on top of them. After which, it is topped with various colored sugar syrup and condensed milk.

Visit DoWindowShopping for a list of Singapore shopping centres [].

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Man boobs, or Moobs, sometimes called as they, as the undesirable development of breasts in a man. This can be from a number of different factors. One such factor is the food and drinks, a man decides that place in his mouth. Men often viewed eater of the world in the company as the "meat and potatoes". While this is not necessarily a bad thing, man of boobs in the course of time can lead to the development of it.

While man can develop male age group tits in each, is the most popular men in the range of 40 to 50 years old age. As a whole are adipose tissue deposits, which are not way simply man boobs. This can explain the appearance later in the life of a man. Food and beverage consumption over time increased estrogen in the male body. Left untreated, hardens the breast tissue and is a self-esteem issue for men. It is difficult for a man for members of the opposite sex with the development of man of boobs on his chest attractive feel. In turn are not that many women either an attractive feature in a man to.


Several food sources are connected to the post man of boobs. Sausages are meat and at the top of this list. The contamination comes not as much of the meat itself but from the meat source, i.e. cows. Many meat production equipment injecting cows with growth hormones stimulate the growth cycle of the cow. A larger cow leads to more money in meat products. Much of this growth hormone injection is filled with estrogen. In a man who is a big meat eater, this can cause problems. First of all, if this man is also overweight. The digestion of estrogen meat filled that will increase estrogen found in a male body. Increasing this level estrogen is the body in a normal manner by the production of man of boobs. In some cases, this can result even for the secretion of milk from the enlarged breast tissue.

Soy is another product that should be avoided whenever possible. On a form, bean soy contains certain levels of plant estrogen. Levels of soy plant estrogen cannot generate pure estrogen behavior or mental reaction in the body. But the body can be deceiving by estrogen in which plant it think pure estrogen actually receives. The body is error-prone results with the feeling of which in a system, natural estrogen, i. e. Man boobs.


Virtually every person may kick back and have each a beer with his once in a while friends. This is not harmful in moderation, but it can be something, man of boobs that contributes to the development, if it is disabled. The principle is simple. Beer reduces the amounts of testosterone in the male body and that increase is a female hormone estrogen.

For a few drinks with the boys is to prove have no long-term effect this sometimes. However, for a man who has a high beer intake to build in the course of the levels of estrogen are the time still in the body. As in this case the body appropriately handle this high level through the development of breast tissue. The end result is man boobs.

Man of boobs development is not limited to beer. Alcohol can play a role in the development in General, if consumed in large quantities. As alcoholic beverages are captured, you start testosterone levels to decrease in the body. Ingredients in alcohol mix chemicals in estrogen levels on the rise with the body. In the course of time the body cannot determine, that estrogen levels of alcohol come. The end result is unwanted man boob development.

Recreational drugs

Man of boobs can lead to the development of participation in the recreational use of marijuana. The active ingredient in this drug is TCH a testosterone is suppressant. To build with nothing to testosterone levels brings the body naturally to estrogen production. Fat deposits continued to grow and finally turn in the development of man of boobs.


The presence of man of boobs rises rapidly in society. It is not the stigma it today as it was a few years ago. Processed food certainly plays a role. More and more are our food over processed with chemicals. Alcohol consumption is on the rise as well as. Many men are to be not the "meat and potatoes" style of food. As with everything else in life, food and beverage consumption in moderation the key is to prevent that unwanted development man of boobs.

For more information or to man boobs experience please visit our blog.

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We have been increasingly informed about our environment and the impact we have on our environment. Here in the UK it seems that the benefits of local products are often over looked.

On a recent trip to Italy I was surprised by the quality of the food and drink, I was served. Enjoy meals in small businesses, I presented with food and drinks, which seemed a much higher level than that which I was used to at home experience.

Taking a look at the ingredients that were used, I realized that the Italians simple meals, but makes them also leave. They need to make not too complicated - the ingredients are so simple that they work for themselves.

It's the same with their beer and wine. We are accustomed to it, mediocre Pinot Grigios in pubs and restaurants served across the UK, but the level of the wine in Italy is clearly quite high. They suspect that they are the best drinks for yourself again.

Looking for non-Italian wines at a wine list is almost impossible, and it's easy to see why. If the ingredient is so good, why should they want to drink wine somewhere else?

It's the same with the beers. Sure, go tap the odd topics pub and imported beers, but the Italians usually abide by their own bride.

Why do we have not the same attitude in the United Kingdom. Why is it that we don't see that the best food and drink is expected to be local, often produced on a smaller scale and relatively simple production methods used.

The next time that you to in an English pub walk, maybe you should buy one imported drink to forget. Choose for a beer from a local brewery instead - you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the drinks on offer.

Not only will you enjoy a drink, you will support a local business.

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Are you watching your weight at all? If not, are you still concerned about your overall health? More and more so each year, people are looking to sugars in addition to fat content, realizing that the presence of sugar and other sweeteners can be just as detrimental to one's health and weight as the presence of fat in foods. As a result, it's believed by many nutrition experts that what we drink is just as important as what we eat when it comes to the world of nutrition and weight loss.

Everywhere I go, I now look at the drinks I purchase to ensure that they're up to par with what I'd expect out of a legitimately healthy drink. So many drinks have hidden sweeteners like organic cane juice, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose, and other types of sweetener.

As a result, I now look to make sure that what I'm drinking is what I think I'm drinking. I really like to stick to pure juice, though I do like a carbonated drink.

As a result, I've been drinking things by the Izze brand, as well as Fizzy Lizzy's sparkling juice drinks. If these aren't available, try to look for some R.W. Knudsen drinks, as their fruit spritzers are made on the same premise.

These are all natural juices, mixed in with carbonated water. They basically taste like soda, without all of the sweeteners and stuff built in. The fact that you're putting some natural fruits into your body at the same time is a bonus.

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As Americans spend more time in their vehicles, stuck in slow-moving traffic or making long-distance commutes a daily activity, the average driver finds the need to entertain more tasks on the road. According to a study backed up by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an estimated 65 percent of almost-crashes and 80 percent of actual collisions are due multitasking while driving. With these kinds of numbers, it seems self-evident that, despite the claims of many that multitasking is a natural part of life, eating and drink while driving poses an immediate danger to those on the road.

The study went further, rating each item by its impact on driver safety. According to the study, coffee is found to be the most dangerous food-related culprit, although this may also be due to the frequency which Americans drink the beverage. Especially in morning drives, drinking coffee en route to work can be a dangerous combination that removes attention from the road and on to drivers' amenities. Following coffee, the study found soup to the be most troublesome food. Considering the usual steps taken to eat soup, this comes as no surprise. Both soup and coffee are hot items, meaning that any spill creates an extra effort for quick clean-up. However, distractions of this nature can easily cause a driver to take his or her mind off of the road, leaving him or her subsequently unable to make quick adjustments if road conditions change.

Several other items were placed on the list that should be avoided, including tacos, chili dogs, and hamburgers, all of which are either common food items or require additional effort to eat. In cases such as tacos, two hands are usually used to eat a taco. Were a driver to eat a taco normally, he or she would no longer be controlling his or her vehicle safely. This is a problem that drivers seem to ignore, preferring their own comfort and convenience over road safety. Find out more about driver safety and how multitasking plays a role in driver negligence by contacting a car accident attorney.

By contacting the Racine car accident lawyers of Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C. at 800-242-2874, you can learn more about car accident liability today.

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The history of food allergies in this case means the transition of a person's life. In other words we are not going to refer to the history in relation to when the first person to develop food allergies was recorded and how that has increased over time. Instead we are going to look at how a person can progress with their own history of food allergies. You will find that your history of food allergies is going to change. First the history will depend on three factors: the age of onset, type of food(s), and the initial reaction.

You see most children that have a food allergy have found that as adults or as young adults they no longer have it. This is because of the causes. The immune system is the cause for the symptoms a person experiences. In other words the immune system finds an antibody or protein that it doesn't know, and it attacks. As the immune system ages with a child it develops a tolerance to more things introduced to the system. In other words the immune system can develop a tolerance for something that you were once allergic to because it has a more developed system for dealing with antibodies. Think of metabolism for a moment. A person with a slow metabolism does not digest food as fast as someone with a more energetic metabolism. So as a person ages and the immune system develops further it can handle more things. This means that your history of food allergies will change. You may as a child have been allergic to peanuts, but as an adult you are now able to eat anything with peanuts because your body is capable of breaking down the antibodies.

So your history depends on your age. You will find that adults can have late onset of food allergies as the body develops an inability to deal with certain foods. The type of food can determine how allergic you are and whether that allergy may persists throughout your life. It could mean that you just stop eating that food for a while, and that in two years you will no longer have an allergy. If the allergic reaction is extremely severe with the first incidence you are more like to have a longer history of food allergies that will continue. You may even find in your history of food allergies that you develop multiple allergies to food.

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If you're anything like me, you're probably looking for healthy foods that actually happen to taste halfway decent. So often, I struggle to find low calorie foods that I'll enjoy. Even the things with artificial sweeteners mostly taste fake to me, besides the fact that I generally don't really like the idea of putting chemicals into my body.

So, it's always been a challenge to find healthy foods that I either don't get sick of or actually enjoy for a change. Luckily, I have a few steady gems that I can genuinely enjoy as I eat them. Here they are.

1. Pop chips. Try these out and I think you'll enjoy them. They're air popped potato chips so they're not fried and greasy like others are. The flavoring is all natural too, giving these tasty treats some bonus points in my book.

2. Lean pockets. The grilled chicken with cheddar and broccoli is a great option. The flaky dough is the only thing that has some fat, but it's a lot lower in terms of fat content than you'd expect.

3. O Water. This is a new brand of water that has no calories, but it's fruit flavored. The best part is the fact that the fruit flavoring is natural. With no sugars and no artificial flavors, this is a truly healthy low calorie (or I should say no calorie) drink that's just as good for you as drinking a glass of water, only it tastes a lot better than water does.

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FoodHomeStyleMoneyFamilyHealthShiftMore This SeasonSimplify the SeasonTailgating HomeFood & DrinkFood & HealthRaw FoodGood Strategies for "Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom"Good Strategies for "Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom"Print this article"Empire: Rise of the Middle Kingdom" is a civilization simulation game set in ancient China in which players must build cities and elevate them to great heights. While you seek to maintain the basic needs and safety of your citizens, malicious forces including angry ancestors, unruly mobs and foreign armies conspire to make this task difficult for you. Since your enemies are constantly ready for you to display a weakness, there are some measures you should take to safeguard yourself in each city.

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Players who don't pay homage in the form of money, raw materials, finished goods and food to "heroes" -- ancestors who acts as deities to your population -- will see them wrecking havoc on the city. Expand your "Ministries" tab and highlight "Religion" to open the interface from which you can monitor the heroes' current dispositions toward you and make offerings. Particularly contented heroes may visit your city and bestow blessings and other bonuses.


Build a city wall around your city as soon as possible and station archers on the walls to ward off invaders. Search for a location that is mostly surrounded by mountain ranges and close off the remaining perimeter with walls and a gate, then build within the walls and rocks to save time and money early on in the game.


Gardens and plazas are inexpensive fixtures that boost the mood of any household in their range. These places of solace may be all that keep your people sane and help them avoid rioting during droughts, times of turmoil and instances of warfare. Most citizens are also more tolerant of excessive taxing with these amenities in place.


Raw materials are developed on a limited number of lots, so proper allocation is a must. Take note of what surrounding cities want to import from you via the commerce tab of the "Ministries" window, then devote the majority of your lots to fillings these needs. Build only one wheat farm, four fishing buildings and four hunting buildings to sufficiently provide for your own people.

References"GameFAQs"; Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom: FAQ/Walkthrough; Mike Jenista; June 2008"Neverdc"; Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom Tutorial, Tips & Tricks; March 2011Read Next:

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Due to health reasons, more people are becoming more aware of the drinks they consume. As much as most drinks claim to be healthy, there are only few that would not disrupt your diet plan. Hence experts have listed out several drinks, besides water, that will help you to control your weight.

Tazo Organic Chai
It is a chai that contains zero calories with a common spicy taste. An 8oz packet has no fat, sodium, protein or fiber so basically it resembles water with some taste.
Swiss Miss Marshmallow Lovers Fat Free Cocoa with Calcium
This is definitely the answer for chocolate lovers. Not fatty and contains considerably high calcium, you will enjoy 70 calories, 180mg sodium and 3g protein in every package mixed with a glass of water.
Carnation Instant Breakfast Complete Nutritional Drink
This drink has all the tastes of a vanilla milkshake but not the calories. A packet of 8oz will give you 250 calories, 70mg sodium but no fat. Perhaps being mediocre compared to tea but not too far from ordinary vanilla milkshake.
Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice
This orange juice can provide some dairy benefits as well as calcium, antioxidants and vitamin D. Every 8oz glass contains 110 calories and no fat, fiber or sodium.
South Beach Living On The Go Tide Me Over
South Beach Diet offers treats that contain fiber and protein, best eaten as a snack between meals. Every packet has 30 calories, 20mg sodium and no fat.
Honest Tea Organic Peach White Tea
Peach tea is not extremely healthy but with the low sugar content and presence of fruit puree, you can get 40 calories, 5mg sodium and no fiber, protein or fat in a glass of peach tea.
Plum Smart Light
This is a great prune juice containing ginger and chamomile for weight loss and fat burning. A glass of 8oz will give 60 calories, 3g fiber and no fat or protein.
V8 Low Sodium 100 Percent Vegetable Juice
This is healthier version of bloody Mary and best to consume it strait. It is a tomato juice with every 8oz having 50 calories, 150mg sodium, 2g protein and 2g fiber.

You can find these drinks on the groceries or supermarkets nearby, from Whole Foods, Kroger, Safeway, Publix, Albertsons, CVS, Target, Wal-Mart, to wholesale groceries such as Sam's Club and Costco.

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When coconut milk is unavailable, a number of substitutes can be used instead.

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Coconut milk is the liquid that is pressed from coconut meat that has been pressed through a strainer or cheesecloth. This is different than the liquid that is found inside a ripe coconut, which is called coconut water. Although it is possible to make coconut milk on your own, it is commercially available in grocery stores in canned form. Some Asian and Caribbean grocery stores also have it in frozen form. When coconut milk is not available, there are a number of substitutions that can be made, including coconut cream, whole milk and soy milk.

Related Searches: Coconut Cream

Canned cream of coconut is a viable alternative to fresh or canned coconut milk. As the name indicates, coconut cream is similar to coconut milk, but has less water content. Replacing that missing water content can make coconut cream a drop-for-drop substitute for coconut milk. Measure one cup of water, minus 3 tbsp. Replace the 3 tbsp. of water with 3 tbsp. of coconut cream and blend well. This will substitute equally for recipes that call for 1 cup of coconut milk.

Milk and Coconut Extract

Whole milk, along with 2-percent milk, can be used as a replacement for coconut milk. Add 1 cup of milk to a mixing bowl along with a 1/2 tsp. of coconut extract (more if you want a more dramatic coconut flavor) and blend well. Using regular milk instead of coconut milk actually results in a lower fat level to your dishes. For example, coconut milk has 8 grams of fat per cup while the whole milk and coconut extract only have 5 fat grams. Skim milk, 1-percent milk and even evaporated milk can be used as substitutions, but are not recommended for baking recipes as they will result in a less dense final product. Yogurt can be used too, but should be mixed with water to thin the consistency.

Soy Milk and Coconut Extract

For vegetarians and vegans who don't have access to canned or fresh coconut milk, coconut extract can be added to soy milk as an equal replacement. For every 1 cup of coconut milk needed, use 1 cup of soy milk combined with 1/2 tsp. of vanilla extract and mix well. The mixtures can be used as the basis for vegan or vegetarian drinks and dishes, such as smoothies, soups or baked goods.

Coconut Milk Powder

Coconut milk powder can also be used as a substitute for fresh or canned coconut milk. It can be used straight in powder form, adding 1 tbsp. to smoothies, milkshakes or other drink recipes. It can also be mixed with water -- 1 tbsp. per cup of water -- and used equally as a replacement for fresh or canned coconut milk.

References"How to Cook Everything, Completely Revised 10th Anniversary Edition: 2,000 Simple Recipes for Great Food"; Mark Bittman; 2008CDKitchen: Coconut Milk SubstituteAstray Recipes: Coconut Milk SubstitutePhoto Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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There are 3 rules for choosing the correct dinner wine, these time honoured rules have been handed down through many generations of wine lovers and if adhered to, your dining experience will be second to none.

Rule 1: Drink what ever wine is you like the best. Now this sounds quite obvious, doesn't it? You could be shocked at how many wine drinkers get caught up in the notion that only select wines can be drunk with a select meal, this just isn't so! We all have our own wine preferences and when it comes to such wines we all know the wine we like to dine with.

Of course, if you do your research you will find various opinions and most of them will say the same thing, which certain wine goes with certain foods, but at the end of the day the choice of what wine to drink is really up to you, no matter what any review or guide says.

Rule 2: White wine with white meat or fish and red wine with red meat? Not always! For those who have some knowledge of wines will know that white wine goes with white meat and fish and red wine goes with red meat. But being stringent with the rules takes out all the joy of choosing a good wine you truly enjoy.

The pivotal point here is to have faith in your own sense's and what you consider as a good choice. A wine should do 1 of 2 things when dining; complement or contrast. Not every dish containing fish is done the same way, so with this in mind why then should the white wine with fish rule be stuck to so much?

A good thing to do is consider the dish you are thinking about ordering or cooking, the way it is cooked, the various spices and seasonings added, then when you have considered the following choose a wine that will complement those elements or contrasts and you should end up with far more intense flavours and tastes.

Rule 3: Always read a wine label. Wines from different parts of the worlds are all different, again this sounds obvious, even the popular wines from merlots to Shiraz's and Cabernet's to zinfandels are all different in the way they are produced. A European merlot will be different from the merlot wines found in the states and Australia. A prudent move would be to really think about what you are going to order or what you have decided to cook and how it will be cooked.

In cooking there are many herbs and other things added to the dish, so the decision over what wine to have should follow this train of thought to make sure the wine will blend in well with these various flavours, if this is followed correctly then the meal should be such a memorable experience.

Aside for investigating where the wine was made, it would be a prudent move to browse a couple of vineyards and key wine producing regions as well. On the wine label, the more abundant the information the better the wine will be. This will of course lead to one of the most deciding factors when choosing a wine, the price. The finer the wine the more expensive the wine is likely to be.

Wine - For all you wine drinkers out there find the wine of your choice

Wine - Wine drinking is considered an art form well find what eve wine you want here

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Protein can be added to food for a healthy meal.

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Incorporating protein into your food can help you get this necessary nutrient into your system with ease. Protein can help you build muscle and reduce fat – replacing meals with a healthy shake can be filling and pack in many of the food groups into one beverage. The nutrient is also an alternative to more fatty foods that contain protein, such as cheese and meat. An average scoop of protein powder contains approximately 97 percent protein, accounting for approximately 30 grams.

Related Searches:Difficulty:ModerateInstructions Things You'll NeedBlender1/4 cup milk2 bananas1 cup ice creamProtein powderSuggest Edits1

Pour milk into a blender. Add the protein powder.


Add two bananas. Scoop in ice cream.


Turn on the blender and blend until the ingredients are smooth. Scrape with a spoon the protein powder that is stuck to the sides of the blender. Blend for several seconds longer.


Pour the shake into a glass or drink directly from the blender jar. Add whipped cream if you don't mind the extra calories.

ReferencesDivine Caroline: Shake It Up, the Skinny on Protein PowderShape: Ask the Diet Doctor, Are Protein Shakes Truly Healthy?Photo Credit Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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DaisyMartinezI make balanced, delicious, healthy meals for my family and friends that are easy to prepare and easy on the pocket. The food of Latin America has so much diversity, I find an endless palate to choose from: Food that is colorful, sassy, vibrant, sexy, and can be as spicy as you want!

Before going out and splurging on that jar of roasted red peppers, consult Daisy Martinez who shows you how rewarding (and simple) it is to roast your own. You just need a knife, a stove top, a wet paper towel and of course, a plump red pepper.See MoreTranscriptI'm Daisy Martinez, one of Rachael Ray's Buddies for Today I'm going to show you how to make delicious roasted red bell peppers right on your stove top. So we have one working there and basically you just take the pepper just like this and you put it on your stove top. It takes between five and seven minutes to do. Once your pepper is ready, you pick it up and you wrap it in damp paper towels. It's going to be hot because it just came off the stove but you just set it aside, let it cool and what we do is we unwrap it, top and tail, beautiful, gorgeous, unzip, open her up, take out the goop, degoopify, I think I'm going to coin that phrase, any tough ribs out, okay, flip her over and again you don't want to flip her over on the, just fold over one sheet of the paper towel so you have a clean surface to, you don't want any char in the back of your pepper and then just scrape it off. How fab is that? And you don't blow your next month's rent on fresh sweet red peppers, on a jar of roasted red peppers and I don't know there's something about fresh roasted red peppers on a table that I love. When you have company, you want to put out a couple of cheeses, some pretty bread, some nice dry sausage and just a plate of red peppers, just love it. Okay we pick up our pepper, do some housekeeping, the one that got away and then we just slice our pepper. And there you have it, beautiful delicious, fresh roasted red peppers on 23, 2011Yum! Terri Jo Lorz.Latin Flavors: Videos (23)

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The fantastic spices and sauces which are blended together in Thai food make it an extremely popular cuisine all over the world. The issue is that these intense flavors may cause a little bit of an issue when it's time to check out a wine that adds to those flavors. The meals has such intense flavors so that it typically takes taste away from the wine you are having. There are always "wine rules" that you follow, however it can still be quite hard to focus to make the correct selection when it is time to pick out the wine. The component that makes this task so difficult is that the reason you really enjoy the taste of Thai food is the exact identical thing resulting in the difficulty of picking out a wine. This issue will be solved with all the tips which are shown below to show you how you can choose the best wine.

The most important thing to realize is that any time you are looking for a wine to pair with Thai food, you need to avoid wines that contain tannin. You will not be able to appreciate wines with tannin since the spicy tastes from the food will cause the wine to be bitter. The kinds of wines you need to avoid because of this are Bordeaux Cabs and Argentine Malbec.

Choosing a sparkling wine will be an excellent option. The bubbles assist to cut through the heaviness seen in Thai food. This is a particularly good match for fried foods. The bubbles in champagne also make it a good option.

You can also pick a wine that has hints of a tropic or fruit taste in it. Your favorite Thai foods should go well with these types of wines.

When you're looking for a wine to drink together with your Thai dinner, look for a sweet taste. The floral aspects of the Thai dish match nicely with the sweetness of the wine. You are able to also look to blend the hot and spicy components from the Thai food with all the sweetness and coolness of these kinds of wines. Fantastic options are Torrontes and Riesling wines.

The intensity of the spices in Thai food are what helps it be quite difficult to locate the correct wine to have with your Thai dinner. But, you'll find several great selections which will supplement your meal nicely. Gaining from the tips and hints out of this article will allow you to to become a local expert in the field of choosing the wine. or maybe you can just really wow your buddies and family by making great recommendations the next time you eat at restaurants.

Discover lots more about preparing Thai food through the best Cooking school Thailand Master Chef Sompon Nabnian and the Thai Cookery School will educate you on tips and hints on the best way to make fantastic Thai food.

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Romaine is a cool season crop.

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Romaine is a type of lettuce often grown in home gardens. It forms tight clusters of upright leaves reaching 10 inches or more in height. The large, flat leaves of romaine make it ideal for sandwiches and hamburgers, but this versatile vegetable is frequently used in salads as well.

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Lettuce seeds are small and require fine, loose soil for germination. Till the ground thoroughly prior to planting to ensure no large clods or air pockets will impede sprouting. Amend compacted, heavy soils with compost or other organic matter to improve texture and drainage. Apply a layer of organic mulch, like wood chips, to your planting bed to help keep the soil cool, retain moisture and control weeds.

Fertilizer and pH

Soil testing can help you determine exactly what type and how much fertilizer is needed for proper growth. Most county extension offices will supply you with information regarding the cost and procedure of soil testing. If you haven't tested your soil, the Ohio State University Extension recommends applying a well balanced fertilizer, like 5-10-10 at a rate of 3 pounds per 100 square feet of garden row prior to planting. Lettuce grows best in soil with a pH of around 6.0 to 6.5. An application of agricultural lime may be necessary to lower the pH level of alkaline soil.


Lettuce requires frequent, light watering for good leaf development. Keep the soil moist, but not soaking. Symptoms of over-watering in lettuce include leaves that are wilted or have brown, dry edges. Hand pull or lightly hoe weeds to ensure you don't damage your romaine's shallow roots. Lettuce is a cool weather crop and may go to seed before it is fully grown if temperatures become too hot. Supplying shade for young plants may help them fully develop in hot weather.


Romaine lettuce, also known as cos, comes in several different varieties. Plant a few different types in succession to ensure a varied and long growing season. Cimmaron is a variety with deep, red leaves. Green Towers is an early maturing variety with large, dark green leaves. Paris Island fairs better than most in warmer temperatures.

ReferencesOhio State University Extension: Growing Lettuce in the Home GardenUniversity of Illinois Extension: LettuceUK Cooperative Extension: Romaine LettucePhoto Credit NA/ ImagesRead Next:

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Sugar is Pretty Much Everywhere

Sugars, found naturally in many foods, are simple carbohydrates. Sugar is naturally found in milk, fruits, some veggies, pre-packaged meals, cereals, and more. Sometimes sugars can be used as preservatives and other times as thickening agents. Sugar is sometimes used during preparation, processing, or when you're ready to eat. In other words, sugar is pretty much in everything! And sugar, if not used or digested becomes calories that are converted into fat. But we'll get more into that later in the article.

Unused Sugar in the human body = Unwanted Fat

But when you digest food (sugar in particular), the body breaks down the carbs into sugar. Now whether or not the sugar is naturally part of the food, or is artificially added, the body can't tell the difference. From the body's perspective, it's sugar nonetheless. The only difference is that typically, artificially added sugar has a lot more calories than foods with naturally occurring sugar in it. These added calories, if not used up by the body, can turn into unwanted fat.

Sugar and Health Issues

Although it is widely assumed that sugary foods directly cause diabetes or hyperactivity (the relationship is more indirect), this really isn't the case. Sugary foods have, however, been linked to dental issues and supplying more calories to the body then can be used. So if you really want to lose weight, I'd recommend against eating too many sugary foods.

Read the Ingredients.

Now when you're at the store, sugar presents itself in many different ways. It is up to you to determine just what this looks like by looking at the ingredients. And just because sugar or one of its synonyms aren't present, doesn't mean it's not there. The sugar may be a natural part of the food you're looking at, and won't be listed as sugar.

Know the VARIOUS names of Sugar

In either case look for one of the following "alternative" name sugars are typically listed as, "brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, high fructose corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, or syrup." Any one of these means that a sweetening agent has been added. And remember, if you don't consume these empty calories, they get turned into fat. So better yet, try not to even let this added stuff get into your system.

Watch Out for "Low Fat" or "Fat Free" Items

Another thing to pay attention to is that foods typically labeled "low fat" or "fat-free" tend to make up in taste with the lack of fat by adding extra sugar. This keeps their calorie counts high, which keeps you wondering why the weight won't come off. So keep your food and drinks in the low to moderate range of sugar, and you should be fine.

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Grafts form a new breed of cucumber.

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The cucumber (Cucumus sativus) is a vine-grown vegetable that favors the warm season. Long green slicing and pickling varieties are two main types of cucumber. While some grow from seed, others propagate through grafting. During the grafting process, the main stems of two different varieties of cucumber fuse together to form a new breed, which contains traits from both plants. In the case of cucumbers, one cotyledon grafting is the most successful.

Related Searches:Difficulty:ModerateInstructions Things You'll NeedRootstock and scion4-inch potPotting soilRazor bladeGrafting clipSpray bottleSuggest Edits1

Choose two cucumber plants to graft. Plant the main cucumber plant or rootstock in a 4-inch pot with damp potting soil. The second plant, or scion, will be grafted to the main rootstock and does not require special potting.


Pinch-off the first true leaf from the rootstock using your fingers. Grip the leaf stem at the point where it meets the main stem and pinch to remove.


Slice one cotyledon from the rootstock at a 45-degree angle using a razor blade. Perform the same cut on the scion, this time making the 45-degree-angle cut just below the embryo.


Press the exposed tissue of the scion against that of the rootstock. Clamp the stems together using a grafting clip.


Mist the grafted cucumber plants with water from a spray bottle to moisten. Place the pot in filtered sunlight and continue to maintain moist soil as the graft mends.


Check the graft every few days. Remove the grafting clip when the union between the two plants heals.

Tips & Warnings

Cotyledons are tiny leaves that surround a plant’s embryo, forming a temporary supply of nourishment. These tiny leaves are often the first leaves visible after germination.

Always sterilize razor blades before and after each use with 70 percent ethanol to prevent the spread of disease from plant to plant.

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ReferencesCornell University Cooperative Extension: Grafting Cucumbers for Yield and Cold Hardiness in High TunnelsThe University of California: Vegetable GraftingThe Great Plant Escape: Seed StructureResourcesAmerican Society for Horticultural Science: Grafting MethodsPhoto Credit Jupiterimages/ ImagesRead Next:

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Store produce properly to ensure it doesn't go limp.

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According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans throw away 470 pounds of produce every year -- about $600 worth -- due to spoilage. Lettuce that has turned to slime is inedible. But those bendy carrots and drooping green beans can easily be restored to edible, crispy freshness with a little effort.

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Plants contain tiny pores called "stomata." Water is constantly evaporating from the plant through these openings. While the plant is still growing, water is replenished through the roots and the humidity in the air. Once cut from the roots, evaporated water is no longer replaced. The dry cell walls lose their rigidity and the plant goes limp. Because the air in the refrigerator is dry, vegetables tend to lose water faster and therefore go limp more quickly.

How to Restore Limp Produce

Restoring limp vegetables is a simple matter of rehydrating the vegetable's cells. Cut off and discard a small piece from the bottom of the limp vegetable. Add the vegetables to a bowl filled with lukewarm water and refrigerate. Let the vegetables soak for at least 30 minutes, then pour off the water. Put the now-crisp veggies back in the refrigerator until you're ready to eat them.

How to Store Produce

Avoid limp and rotten vegetables by storing them properly as soon as you get home from the grocery store. Put away refrigerated fruits and vegetables first, since cold air slows down the plant's respiration, or breathing, and helps it last longer. Never store vegetables in an airtight container. This stops the plant's respiration altogether and leads to faster evaporation and decay. Vegetables should be placed in the crisper drawer, where the air is less dry. Keep a damp paper towel in the crisper to help keep vegetables hydrated.

When to Eat Your Vegetables

Some vegetables will keep for a long time, while others need to be eaten quickly to avoid limpness and rot. Asparagus, broccoli, corn, artichokes, green beans and mushrooms should be eaten within three days of purchase for the best flavor and texture. Eat cucumbers, eggplants, lettuce and zucchini within five days. Bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes and spinach will be best if eaten within a week of purchase. Cabbage, celery, onion, potatoes and carrots will last much longer.

ReferencesVegetarian Times: How to Store Fruits and VegetablesProduce Oasis: Reviving Limp VegetablesBiology Lessons: Basic ProcessesPhoto Credit ImagesRead Next:

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What is the definition of food allergies? How might it differ from other food related issues? There are some individuals who have intolerance to juice because of the acid. It causes the person stomach pain, diarrhea, and maybe even a small rash, but this intolerance is not necessarily an allergy. This is why it is important to understand the definition of food allergies so that you know what is actually an allergic reaction, and what is only a mild intolerance. It will help you seek the proper treatment and keep yourself healthy.

First food intolerance means that you have a reaction to food because your body doesn't have the necessary enzymes to break down the food you have eaten or in the case of juice you may find your stomach has more acid than is normal. With a food allergy you are looking at something that causes an immediate reaction to eating the food, in which your throat closes up, you can go into anaphylactic shock, and the hives appear almost within seconds of ingesting the food. You will also find that food allergies are related to the immune system. This is one of the reasons the reaction to the food can be so quick. As soon as the food touches your skin or inside your mouth your body starts to react as the first taste reaches your body's immune system.

Once you understand the definition of food allergies you can help to remedy the situation. For instance, if you have only a mild case of intolerance you may not see a need to change your diet. On the other hand if you have a true food allergy that will cause anaphylactic shock the instant the substance touches your skin you are going to have to change your diet. You see for most food allergies that individuals suffer from it will be a mild case, where they may feel a little swelling, but generally be okay, as the symptoms will disappear in a few hours. With the more severe cases the food and any food substance must be avoided from even coming into contact on the outer skin. If a person with a severe allergy were to touch peanut oil they could have a reaction that causes the need for epinephrine. This means that eating such foods could indeed cause death before the actual medication were to work. The definition of food allergies is a constant and it is something one should understand for the proper treatment to be provided.

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The same properties that create food's golden-brown color also prompt splattering.

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Moisture creates the steam that causes oil to splatter during cooking. Although any food will create steam when placed in oil – moisture leaving the surface of food is responsible for the golden-brown color and crisp texture attained during deep frying – you can keep splatter contained in the cooking vessel with the proper technique and equipment, such as splatter guards and spiders. Splatter guards are inexpensive wire-mesh screens that fit over pans, catching oil and preventing its escape. Spiders are oval- or square-shaped wire-mesh utensils that facilitate placing food in and retrieving it from oil.

Related Searches:Difficulty:EasyInstructions Things You'll Need1 deep, 5-quart cast-iron skilletPeanut oilCandy thermometerWire-mesh spider2 platesPaper towels1 splatter guard, 14-inch diameterSuggest Edits1

Fill a deep, 5-quart cast-iron skillet with 3 inches of peanut oil and attach a candy thermometer to it. Place it over medium-high heat.


Heat the peanut oil until it reaches 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Adjust the heat as needed to maintain 375 degrees Fahrenheit.


Remove the frozen vegetables from the freezer and place them on the wire-mesh spider. Carefully lower the spider in the oil and place the vegetables. Remove the spider and place it on a plate lined with paper towels to drain.


Position a splatter guard on the skillet. Fry the vegetables until golden brown, approximately three minutes.


Remove the vegetables from the oil with the spider. Place them on a plate lined with paper towels to drain. Allow the oil to return to 375 degrees Fahrenheit before adding more vegetables.


If frying in a different sized pan than the 12-inch diameter cast-iron listed above, use a splatter guard 2 inches larger than its diameter.


Always leave frozen food in the freezer until the point of frying for best results.

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